T-Onflne eMai~
Absender: Theresa & Anthony Padovano <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >
Datum: 07. Nov 2002 16:42
Empfiinger: Heinz Vogels <HJVogels~t-onhine.de>
Betreff~ North American Federation of Priests.doc
The General assembly of the International Federation of Married Catholic Priests, meeting in Madrid in September of 2002, voted to restructure itself as an International Confederation. This will allow regional and cultural organizations to create a series of Federations. The model for this has been set by the Latin American Federation. Such federations can more easily and quickly address the cultural and pastoral need of their own region and can plan more practical strategies for the church and people in their own area.
The Executive committee of the present International Federation suggested that European groups might consider becoming federations. Married priest organizations in Northern Europe and North America plan to create a North Atlantic federation of Married Catholic Priests at a special meeting in Brussels from November 30- December 2. History, cultural bonds, a similarity of pastoral issues and the ready access of English as a common language may allow this federation to serve the International confederation, the movement of married priests, and the reform concerns in this region more effectively.
The North Atlantic federation will consist of some 8-10 countries, connected by cultural and pastoral interests as the Latin American Federation and Spain are at the present moment.
The North Atlantic federation will meet regularly, through its delegates, in a General Assembly of its own. It will be connected to the International Confederation by representatives to the Executive Committee of the Confederation and by attendance at its Congress held every three years.
The North Atlantic Federation will have two officers, as presently envisioned, a president and a secretary-treasurer, elected for limited terms of office. We do not envision financial costs to be any greater than they are now for member nations. The monies collected will be utilized to maintain the North Atlantic federation. A percentage of these funds will be sent to the Confederation to supports its work.
The North Atlantic federation will revive the discontinued Ministerium Novum as its own journal.
It envisions as its most immediate concerns: the abuse of po~ver revealed in the sexual abuse scandal; the role of women in the church; and the need for lay involvement in the solution of these and other matters.
The Executive Committee of the International Confederation will be informed of all these matters at its January 10, 2003 meeting in Brussels. We trust that this new initiative will respond to the mandate given in Madrid and will energize the Married Priest movement in new ways.
Absender: Theresa & Anthony Padovano <
Datum: 07. Nov 2002 16:42
Empfiinger: Heinz Vogels <HJVogels~t-onhine.de>
Betreff~ North American Federation of Priests.doc
The General assembly of the International Federation of Married Catholic Priests, meeting in Madrid in September of 2002, voted to restructure itself as an International Confederation. This will allow regional and cultural organizations to create a series of Federations. The model for this has been set by the Latin American Federation. Such federations can more easily and quickly address the cultural and pastoral need of their own region and can plan more practical strategies for the church and people in their own area.
The Executive committee of the present International Federation suggested that European groups might consider becoming federations. Married priest organizations in Northern Europe and North America plan to create a North Atlantic federation of Married Catholic Priests at a special meeting in Brussels from November 30- December 2. History, cultural bonds, a similarity of pastoral issues and the ready access of English as a common language may allow this federation to serve the International confederation, the movement of married priests, and the reform concerns in this region more effectively.
The North Atlantic federation will consist of some 8-10 countries, connected by cultural and pastoral interests as the Latin American Federation and Spain are at the present moment.
The North Atlantic federation will meet regularly, through its delegates, in a General Assembly of its own. It will be connected to the International Confederation by representatives to the Executive Committee of the Confederation and by attendance at its Congress held every three years.
The North Atlantic Federation will have two officers, as presently envisioned, a president and a secretary-treasurer, elected for limited terms of office. We do not envision financial costs to be any greater than they are now for member nations. The monies collected will be utilized to maintain the North Atlantic federation. A percentage of these funds will be sent to the Confederation to supports its work.
The North Atlantic federation will revive the discontinued Ministerium Novum as its own journal.
It envisions as its most immediate concerns: the abuse of po~ver revealed in the sexual abuse scandal; the role of women in the church; and the need for lay involvement in the solution of these and other matters.
The Executive Committee of the International Confederation will be informed of all these matters at its January 10, 2003 meeting in Brussels. We trust that this new initiative will respond to the mandate given in Madrid and will energize the Married Priest movement in new ways.