A small note of justification: The behavior which was seriously incorrect of our former Secretary who sent "his" letter to the Episcopal Conference of Spain in the name of the Committee and with an unauthorized signature of the president was severely condemned by the Assembly. Some members even asked for the expulsion of the author of the deeds. Let us leave the reality as is for the sake of brotherhood and harmony.
This general report read at and approved by the Assembly by overwhelming majority which was almost unanimous intends to, with calm and a future perspective, rectif~r the errors of the content of the letter since this was sent to the Episcopal Conference of Spain and the groups of our Federation. Our Assembly is responsible for the statement.


    We have talked so much about "The International Gathering" (Encuentro) of September, 2002 in Madrid and we are already here, celebrating the event.
    Welcome to this quality Event for our society which needs to control its force and for the Church of Jesus which ought to serve men and women of today and to act in a more democratic and co-responsible way also within the institution.
    At this great Event which is ours and of our Federation and was convoked at our Congress in Atlanta (July 31, 1999), more than 400 people from 25 countries of all the continents are participating. The preparatory document in favor of the Church renewal was signed by a number of bishops, theologians and eclesial communities. The document was also supported by a bishop very much committed to the poor and another bishop who has always accompanied us, Jerónimo Podestá.
    Within this great Event "Towards a conciliar process", we celebrated the General Assembly of our Federation. The General Assembly is the maximum and sovereign organ with the representatives from 19 countries of the 26 membership countries.


As President of the Executive Committee, I ought to present a report on these last three years from Atlanta to Madrid. For greater clarity, I will divide the report into two chapters which I will present for your reflection and approval eventually.

First Chapter: Launching, preparation and celebration of the "International Gathering 2002" for a renewed Church

I will highlight the aspects which are more meaningful and which meant more efforts as well as tension at times including some problematic behaviors experienced at the level of the Committee.

a)    It was a good move that we sent the following message from Atlanta, the city of the dreamer Luther King, on July 31, 1999. "Let us dare to dream... we should be ready
to propose an International Gathering, convoked, prepared, financed and directed by a joint committee of eclesial groups that are open-minded and with meaningful presences at national and international level, willing to prepare a Gathering that would tackle the most important aspects of the Church renewal... " The Plenary Assembly of the Congress approved this proposal with applause. (See "Ministerium Novum" No. 27) We who have gathered here launched this Event that nobody could water down nor take away.
b)    One year after (October 2000 in Brussels) already the Church groups interested in the proposal had met and tried to concretize the face of the small creature born in Atlanta. THE CENTRAL THEME: Towards a Church at the service of the humanity in today's world and with greater democracy in its internal functions.
ITS TONE Festive and joyful. Without fear nor excessive haste to want to grow
EXPERIENCE: It should reflect the reality of the People of God, their needs and search. Theologians and teachers can also speak but always with the listening attitude to the People of God.
WALKING AND NETWORKiNG: Each one of the eclesial groups and social movements ... but they go out together sometimes to the public squares with a megaphone to defends the common interests and claims.
WORKING TOGETHER AND THOSE WHO DESIRE AND HAVE DISCOVERED THE JOURNEY... we are conscious of the fact that we are only in the initial stage of this process which is built from below.., the process will continue for years. The Gathering is only the first step of the process to which other groups and the Church networks will join.
c)    When some of the International networks that had been committed to the Gathering decided to withdraw their support, changing the venue and the dates, Paul and Julio, the official delegates of the Federation to the Preparatory Group (CII') were clear about our decision and commitment. They said:
    that the Gathering will take place
    If some groups or networks think differently, they can withdraw. From the start, the project is for those who understand it or those who are understanding it progressively
    The Federation as convenor continues with the Groups and Networks that see the importance of the project
    At any rate, we don't have the "mandate" to change what Atlanta decided
    We accept to change the name of the Gathering to respect the "Catholic
Network for Change" (they prefer to maintain it). It will be called "International Gathering of the Church Renewal"
    The Gathering could be an intermediary stage towards something broader (Annex 4)

d)    At the meeting of the Executive Commette in Madrid (November 1), the importance of the Gathering was reieterated. Some of the committee members, however, did not support it, forgetting that the "mandate" came from the Assembly and that we are obliged to respond. It was recommended that the management and logistic be entrusted to "Corriente Somos Iglesia" which had participated in the CIP and presented a project which was deep and trustworthy. With the Corriente, all the groups and networks that convoked and supported the Gathering ought to be connected.
e)    Paul and Julio, in the name of the convenor Groups and of support, participated in
the first meeting of the New Preparatory Team, convoked by the Corriente Somos
Iglesia. It took place in December, 2001. A document entitled "Toward a Conciliar
Process" was presented which all the delegates considered quite important. The
document reflects the spirit and the objectives of what they bad been working for. At
the end of the meeting, a comunique was prepared to be sent to the Groups of the
Federation, affirming and approving the process.
    the document reflects the spirit of the work accomplished so far
    it maintains the global aspect
    many groups m favor of the Church reform are asking to adhere to the document
    we continue to prepare the Gathering born in Atlanta using the document since it expresses well the objectives of Atlanta

f)    I will highlight the difficulties experienced by the Executive Committee and some aspects that were not properly dealt with
The first instance occurred when some International Networks with which we bad been preparing the Gathering 2002 wanted to change the venue and the dates. This caused much tension because some members were insisting, forgetting the mandate of our Atlanta assembly. The official delegates clarified the Federation's stand:
(Annex No. 4)
The second instance occurred when the Editors of the Federation Buleetin "Ministerium Novum" decided on their own to cancel the Gathering. The Executive Conunitte, through the delegates at the CIP, sent an official note to "Ministerium Novum" in which they explained the official stand:
    The International Gathering will take place
    With the same content and tone decided by the CIP so far
If anyone wants to withdraw, he can do so though the project continues.

The publication of this note in the Bulletin to rectify the decision of the Editors was requested though it has not been realized. You can find a provisional version in the annexNo. 1 and 2.

The third instance occurred when the Moceop through its Coordinator felt the need to send a letter to the Executive Committee. The well thought letter asked us to see to it that the Gathering be well prepared based on the given mandate which carried the blessing of the Assembly. It asked us to continue the preparatory process counting on the commitment of the majority of the Groups. The same letter insisted that the Executive Committee should not be a superbody with decision making power over and above the groups including the Assembly. This serious and reflective letter which was to be sent to the national groups helped the Executive Committee to purify itself. The committee also sent a sincere letter, responding to Ramon, saying:
    we are grateful to your deep critique
    we accept our dysfuncion and errors which became obvious in matters related to the International Gathering and to "Ministerium Novum"
    we unconditionally support the International Gathering for the Church renewal along the line launched by Atlante and concreted in the document "Towards a conciliar process" (See the bruchure pag. 9 and if.)

The fourth instance is related to the decision of our Secretary of the Executive Commette to wage a strike (which we respected in silence and discretion) because of which we could not prepare this Assembly well in a way that the Groups deserved. And when he decides to send his letter to the Episcopal Conference of Spain (with an unauthorized signature of the president) which you can read in the annex No. 5 and 6)

These tense and difficult moments, in a way, helped us to see the things more clearly with a future vision. We could see what things are more important. At our Executive Committee meeting yesterday (with the absence of our Secretary on strike), we could see that the situation could be rapidly redirected.

Also the difficulty helped us to reiterate our support of this wonderful Gathering where more than 400 people from all the continents are participating. We are sure that an International Network for the Church Renewal with a strong emphasis on our prophetic role in the world and greater democracy for the Church's internal life will emerge from here.

Second Chapter: the significance of the 2002 Gathering and some practical conclusions

A.    What Church do we look for: this is what was launched at Atlanta and what we has been reflected and deepened by all the national Groups during these two years. We look for a Church constantly renewed at two levels: on one hand, a Church of greater service to men and women and contemporary cultures in the area of justice, ecology, feminism... (as it is stated in the first objective of the Statutes of our Federation) and on the other, a Church with progressive democratic governance within its internal life.
B.    The need and importance of Networking has been discovered and assumed. There are many international networks and national movements committed to connect with others without minimizing its own identity. They come and join together to work with those aspects of the Church which they believe necessary today.
C.    The experience confirms that this direction only is meaningful to meet the second objective of the Federation (the renewal of the priestly ministry) as it was already published inn our Bulletin (No. 27). a) "The reintegration of married priests is relevant only within a Church committed to people, b) and to the renewal of all the ministries c) without celibacy as the condition according to the practice of Jesus.
D.    Based on this deep significance, we accept this International Gathering as ours. We launched the idea at Atlanta, the majority of the groups were working toward it during these two years and we are witnessing this spectacular Event with a great joy now. More than 400 people coming from all the continents in the names of many bishops, theologians and eclesial communities who are committed to a process to change the Church according to the vision of the Federation which we articulated already many years ago.

Let us enjoy, work and continue what we are going to live during these days, thanks to the contribution of many different people and countries who are committed.

(Of other topics that the Executive Committee has been working during these three years: the renewal of the Executive committee, the adaptation of our Statutes to the Belgian legal formulation, the bulletin "Ministerium Novum", the possible shift to a Confederation, the financial question, the orientation for the next three years, etc... you will be informed of these topics during these coming days by those in charge of them)


September 20,2002 Madrid

Signed: Julio Perez Pinillos (President of FISCC)

(Note: the other data of our General Assembly - commitments and future perspective - will be sent to you after the first meeting of Executive Committee)